ALL of the Blogs ever written

What's best in a sandwich?


Olga White

Beauty pageants scare me.

See that? Does that scare you? Not me :D How about this?

Okay, that one did kinda scare me (I mean hello, it's a massive killer rat!), but you know what scares me EVEN MORE than massive rats (which could take over the world using a combination of nibbling to death and weird rat diseases, like the PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!) ?

This scares me a lot more:

Seriously, what is up with that kid's eyes? It looks like a doll!
I think it's morally wrong to take a child, cover her in make-up, teach her how to be the most vapid, annoying, simpering being on the planet, and send her out onto a catwalk. That is mentally scarring. And it gets worse.
Yes, I know this is from a film, but the message shines through. How can a kid be a kid when they're too busy worrying about if their foundation looks okay, or their spray tan has gone streaky? How can they act like children when they're thinking about their hairpieces, or whether they look fat in their swimming costume? (Which, by the way, is another point entirely. It's practically like child porn.)

This is wrong.

I mean, it gets slightly better when you get older, and it's your choice, not just pushy parents, like these girls: *shudder*

But this kid doesn't even have a chance to protest!

And the image of these children will stay in my mind forever. I swear, I will have nightmares.

Especially that last one. Creepy.

Grace Kelsey

Ah well if I was still writing like a seven year old I would say
* I will be older
* My hair will be longer
* I will be taller ( hopefully I don't want to be like Alice! lol )
* Olga will call me a little elf and tell me to "Tidy Tidy"

But sadly I'm not life's gunna get a lot more complicated
sorry I got a bit sentimental then and went into a daydream 
I thought of good stuff though hehe 
LIKE the new really fit guy in glee ahhh xxx

So this is my real list

*Stop thinking my self silly over boys HaaaHaaaa
* Get organised with my things as well as my mind
* Stop watching endless episodes of   F.R.I.E.N.D.S
* Stop quoting every TV show under sun 

But dont you just love COME FLY WITH ME!
"PRAISE THE LORD for the two for one offer"
oh bum done it again 

you like somone but then you realise you like somone allot more and that someone is one of your really good friends and he is moving to australia in a month !! :( thats miles away !!!! you try to persuade him to stay but he cant you only have a month left with him and then you know that your going to be so devistated upsett and depressed for the next few months cause he will be gone !! !:( and wont be coming back till he is 16 what if he is differnt then and dosent like me anymore! or we loose contact i dont wanna loose contact !!! :( i mean im not gonna see him when he leaves for about 2 and a half years !!! :( i mean yeah he is coming here in the summer but for 2 weeks thats not the same !! :( dont you just hate it when somone u love soo much and you really want to stay in your life moves away and you know there is the chance of you never seeing him again !! :( someonbe who makes me laugh, somone so kind and always helps you when your sad and gives you advice !! what am i gonna do when he leaves !! please please dont go i dont think i could handle it !! :( 


Okay well today ive been suprisingly LUCKY :) for many reasons and its not often I get to say this heres a list of lucky stuff....
1. Got the day off school
2. Im geetting braces in 6 weeks :D
3. I randomly found 10 pounds
4. I also found my hw diary which has been missing for  months
5. ,My room is going to look HOT Hahaa in just 3 weeks as its being decorated
and to my friends I will probs have a sleepover when its done
6.The most amazing dog is with me ozzieeeeeee
;) until monday which is great
7. I had fish and chips for dinner
8.Someone I know wont be at school tomorow :D which is FAB
9. National tv awards on tonight
WOAAH 9 good things happened today ...
shouldve got a lotto ticket

smile cos smiling makes you happy :)
laaaaaave yaa ;) x

its chriiiistmaaaas!

well, christmas this year has been absolutely amazing!
got some amazing presents and had such a good day yesterday! :)
i never do amazingly long blog posts because i cant say that much! its strange, i talk a hell of alot but i never have much to say, if you get me?
aaanyway, the more daunting thought is that the year is nearly over.
ive lost one of my most important friends, but there is so much more hurt when we're friends than when we arent.
ive gained a whole drama room full of girls that have changed my view on life, they truly are amazing :)
ive also gained the most caring, self-less boy i have known, and believe me, ive known alot of boys!
i am so so glad that they have come into my life and chosen to be my friends :)
but theres a down side.
i was happy about that one person coming into my life at the end of last year, but he left.
so whats to stop 2011 being the same?
i am hoping with all my heart that i can be a good enough friend to all of them that they will want to stay with me, and take into account that yes, i am a disappointment, but i can be such a bubbly, sweet girl most of the time, and one disappointment from me, i promise, will be followed by a lot of good times and laughs.

thats another thing, i am actually making new years resolutions this year:
-to not make promises i cant keep, because it ends in hurt, for everyone involved.
-to TRY not to talk about people behind their backs because yet again, it ends in hurt, for everyone involved.
-to make a photo album of all the important pictures and memories that i have, because remembering the good times can heal the bad times.
-to read the whole georgia nicholson series as i havent ever finished them all!
-then, for the rest of the year, read all new books, i am not going to read any books that i have already read, because i need to widen my knowledge! :)

well i knew i said that i never write long posts, but this is quite long so there we go!
hopefully, my life will keep being good, and the most important people to me, their lives will change for the better, whether that includes me or not

Mackinlay Ingham
okay so i havent done this in a while, sure you all really missed it right ;) i just needed to sort my head out.

how im feeling: okay if you have a problem you can talk to a friend right and they will understand thats not an option for me i have to keep my mouth shut and i will try to talk about it but no one understands and if i start its like opening the flood gates its really hard because i dont want to push my friends out i need to find a balance .... not as easy as it sounds, i feel honestly like im shouting in a sound prove box i can shout but no one can hear me they can see me but they cant lip read if you get me.I

 have a full obbsetion with ONE DIRECTION its an addiction there is no cure and if there is i dont want it :P x happy birthday beth xx bye x

Anna Hartley

Out of Reach

So, Saturday morning with Mum was lovely. Didn't manage to go swimming in the end; me and Hannah had stood whipping our hair for literally 10 minutes and my back kills! That may sound weird, we just love Willow Smith :L So we decided to just go to London for a bit and look around. We went in to a bookshop that she has been taking me to since I was little :) Bought a new book called Artichoke Hearts by Sita Brahmachari, it's on my pile of books to read so will get round to it soon. Was nice to spend the morning with Mum, even if it wasn't for long.

Got really fed up of homework on Sunday, had art an dt and those subjects are just not for me. I can never make anything and have it look like I want it to. So, have created a ghastly collage for art homework, she will not be happy, oh well, genuinely tried my best! Thank god I'm dropping art next year! Really hope I don't slip back into the terrible place of getting really stressed over homework.

Oh joy it's mufti day tomorrow at school. In case you didn't know that was COMPLETELY sarcastic :/ I hate mufti day. Everybody always asks why and it's because at my school you have the stereo-typical hierarchy, with the popular people and unpopular people in completely different places. So, you can't just wear whatever you like, you have to be careful what you wear, cause it really sucks when people make you feel horrible. Yes, I may be over-reacting but I just hate it. A lot of people say, why would you care what other people think? And the honest answer is, I don't know but it's bloody annoying! I would love to be able to wear whatever I like without a care in the world what anyone thinks. But it doesn't work like that. I am quite happy to embarrass or make a fool of myself in front of random people I'm never going to see again. But secondary school? That's a whole other thing. I am intimidated by the "popular people" and I hate it, I don't know why I am, I don't even know most of them but somehow I just am :S Oh well, hopefully it won't be too bad.

Anyway, better go, dinner's nearly ready and am hungry! Am listening to Ultraviolent by the Stiff Dylans. They are the band in Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging - love that movie, it's hilarious! I love the song as well, it's really sweet!

3 Postive Things: 1) Have so many movies I need to watch - and I can't wait! 2) Am going to 3 concerts in March!! 3) It's my birthday soon!

BEE THE TICKLER (cause she doesn't want her mummy to find out)
no picture available (jokes)


Emma Louis-Jean
Emma Louis-Jean