ALL of the Blogs ever written

What's best in a sandwich?

4 February 2011

Isn't this cool?

The lovely Drama Room would like to say ...

Wow...erm...first post.

Something you should know about the Drama Room

It is not a very normal place. In fact, it is not at all a normal place.

The room in itself may be pretty normal, aside from the awesome one-wall mirror and the many many curtains and the balcony (okay, so it's a pretty cool room) but the people in it, come 12:20, are pretty un-ordinary. Insane, in fact, one might even dare say...

Well, in alphabetical order of first names (because I don't want anyone to think I have favourites, and also because I like to organise things), here is Everybody!!

Alice is... off somewhere tickling herself while cooking and listening to Bruce Springsteen.
Anna is... adding to her wall and deeply over-analysing lyrics (and people!) She is usually right about both.
Bethany has... far too many nicknames: Beth, Benny, Bennatron 3000, Bethlehem, Buddatron
Bronte... is pining away for somebody, no-one knows who...
Camila is... in front of a mirror, either the Drama Room one, her own, or the cool one in Jack Wills
Emma is... probably eating, safe in the knowledge that there is not an ounce of fat on her body.
Grace is... doing something random like creating this blog (thank you Grace!)
Mackinlay is... Googling the Queen and Edward Cullen and seeing if things like fishbutts exist.
Megan is.... Irish danscing, or some such ridiculous semi-sport.
Neha is... not a lesbian :P
Olga is... organising something, or mothering somebody.
Rosarie is... talking. Always talking :P <--- kidding. Rosarie is a very good listener.
Rosie is... the luckiest bugger in the entire world :P and also very tall. Very, very tall.

And that's a basic outline. Please don't be too scared.

Olli x